Can't believe I missed posting my diary! Had couple of stuff on my mind and somehow, thoughts clash, lol.. Any who.. Didn't slept much today; probably because I slept late again (; ̄ω ̄) as usual. Though I did wake up early somehow..unusually strange ( ̄m ̄〃)..
I have
good news and
bad news.
The bad new is I didn't take any pics of what I ate today..but the good news is, I remembered what I ate and I'll post pics from the net of what I ate (。・ω・。) so please bare with me and my nonsense..
After waking up today, I practically had nothing to eat at home ( ̄u ̄;) Searched through the whole kitchen to find something to munch on.
(FYI: I didn't add this into my first info on my diet, but I tried starving by eating once a day and having two really small meals per day and end up getting bad gastric due to it. I had to skip school 3-4 times a week for 5 days just because of my bad gastric..yup, I go to school once or twice a week ONLY..and it sucked BIG time! I practically flunked all my tests and most probably my O's too. Back to topic.. because of my "bad" gastric, I had to have a proper meal *evenly proportioned* every 3-4 hours per day as told by my doctor. The doctor told me that I either ate too much or too little or ate too much of spicy guilty as I am, I admit doing all of that. I just love spicy food!As mentioned above, I have to eat every 3 to 4 hours per day to keep my gastric at bay. As a result,
gastric. Thankfully, my dad was on the way home from work. So he packed us (mum, bro, sis & I) lunch. For lunch, or should i say
brunch, I had a Kelantanese food called
Nasi Kerabu*. I didn't each much though, not that hungry I suppose.
After that, I practically continued what I normally do. In the evening, around 7-8pm, parents decided to go out to shop for groceries so my sis and I tagged along. We had our dinner around 9-ish at an Indian restaurant called "NZ". I had a traditional Indian food called
Nasi Briyani*. Somehow today, I didn't eat much
Reached home around 11, i think, stored the goods and get an hour of rest. Soon after I went to bed at 12.
*Nasi Kerabu literally means "rice salad" (rice with raw vegetables) which is a regional specialty from the state of Kelantan on the east coast of Malaysia. The vegetables consists of bean sprouts, cucumbers, onions, long beans, lemongrass and polygonum leaves. Some ingredients may vary depending on the seller.

*Nasi Briyani is a popular dish amongst Muslims and commonly found in South Asia. It's made up of spiced rice and usually served with beef, mutton or chicken. The spices and condiments used in biryani may include but are not limited to: ghee, peas, beans, cumin, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, bay leaves, coriander and mint leaves, ginger, onions, and garlic. The dish may be served with dahi chutney or Raita, korma, curry, a sour dish of eggplant (brinjal) or a boiled egg.